Mapping the Library Contribution to Knowledge Management: A Bibliometric Approach


  • Amira Oribia Wanda Sasmita
  • IIs Dewi Ratih Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Kata Kunci:

bibliometric; library; knowledge management; scopus; r studio



Backgorund of the study: Librarians are the core of knowledge management in libraries. Knowledge management in libraries includes aspects of knowledge management about library operations, user-related information, library collections, and facilites and technology used.

Purpose: This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the library's contribution to the development of knowledge management of published articles contained in the Scopus database between 1992 and 2024.

Method: Data retrieval technique by entering the key phrases "library" and "knowledge AND management" in the Scopus database with a total of 250 publications. The data was analyzed using the bibliometrix-biblioshiny software package R Studio software.

Findings: The most document types are in the form of 152 articles. Library Philosophy and Practice is the highest publication source with 13 publications. The highest collaboration between the author's home countries is the collaboration between Bangladesh and Japan with a total of 6 publications. The number of publication productivity fluctuated and the highest peak of publication productivity in 2013 with 18 publications. The average number of citations per year fluctuated and the highest average citation occurred in 2001 with an increase of 2%. Trend topic with 73 frequency terms is the topic of "knowledge management" with a period of 2009 – 2015. Mapping five clusters with the most emerging topics, namely knowledge management, libraries, university libraries, research, explicit knowledge, etc.

Conclusion: The topic of "information technology, library and information science, explicit knowledge" can be further studied and researched because the number of citations and influences is high and there are still few who conduct research on the topic. This is an opportunity that can be exploited henceforth.



Cara Mengutip

Oribia Wanda, A., & Ratih, I. D. (2024). Mapping the Library Contribution to Knowledge Management: A Bibliometric Approach. Proceeding Annual International Conference of Imam Bonjol Library, 1–12. Diambil dari