Optimizing the Role of Automation Service Management Staff in Meeting the Information Needs of Users at UPT. Andalas University Library


  • iswadi syahrial nupin andalas university
  • Dian Budiarti Universitas Andalas
  • Desri Wiana Politeknik Negeri Medan

Kata Kunci:

optimalisasi, tenaga pengelola, layanan automasi


Background of the study: UPT. Andalas University Library has automation services in its internal organizational structure, including user services, administrative services and circulation services. Automation services have an important role for users. Automation services not only run with networks, computers, application management and databases, but there are also services related to user needs, such as providing services and monitoring computer use by academics, verification of final assignment uploads and user guidance. This study is motivated by the importance of improving services for the UPT automation services sector. Andalas University Library.
: This research aims to disseminate how effective the automation services that have been implemented currently are in meeting the information needs of libraries at the UPT. Andalas University Library
: This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by conducting interviews with automation service management staff.
: The findings obtained were that the service provided was optimal, but the lack of energy management was an obstacle in serving the information needs of users quickly, especially requests for thesis corrections made via email automation services. Conclusion: In conclusion, there is a need for additional staff managing automation services and rejuvenation of computers and other IT equipment.



Cara Mengutip

syahrial nupin, I., Budiarti , D. ., & Wiana, D. . (2024). Optimizing the Role of Automation Service Management Staff in Meeting the Information Needs of Users at UPT. Andalas University Library. Proceeding Annual International Conference of Imam Bonjol Library, 69–78. Diambil dari https://proceeding-perpus.uinib.ac.id/index.php/AICIBLib/article/view/3