Circulation Services at the Solok City Library and Archives Office: Application of Web-Based Matrix Code


  • Rahmatul Azimah UIN Imam Bonjol Padang
  • Fadhila Nurul Husna Zalmi UIN Imam Bonjol Padang
  • Shinta Nofita Sari UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Kata Kunci:

Library, QR Code, Circulation Services, Information System, Regional Library


Background of the study: QR codes have the main goal of making it easier for smartphone users to access and obtain information. By using QR codes in circulation services, it makes it easier for librarians to record and input registrations, as well as for information retrieval (OPAC), library users do not need to wait too long for the process of registering new members and the availability of library collections. Whereas before using QR codes it takes a long time in terms of recording and inputting registration, lack of accuracy regarding the availability and existence of library collections.
Purpose: The aim of this research is to determine the effect of implementing a web-based QR Code information system on circulation services in the Solok city library and archives service.
Method: This research uses a quantitative method with an associative approach, namely research that uses data analysis in numerical/number form using parametric statistical analysis techniques.
Findings: From the results of regression analysis and hypothesis testing, it shows that there is a positive and significant influence on the application of QR codes as shown by the regression equation Y = 14,904 + 0.712 What is significant is the application of QR codes to circulation services in the Solok city library and archives service, more precisely in the Solok city regional library.
Conclusion: The results of the analysis show that the better the implementation of the QR code, the higher the quality of circulation services and the worse the implementation of the QR code, the lower the quality of the circulation service.



Cara Mengutip

Azimah , R. ., Nurul Husna Zalmi, F. ., & Nofita Sari , S. . (2024). Circulation Services at the Solok City Library and Archives Office: Application of Web-Based Matrix Code. Proceeding Annual International Conference of Imam Bonjol Library, 110–116. Diambil dari