Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Libraries as a Form of Library Development


  • Lailatul Husni LH
  • Armizawati Armizawati UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Kata Kunci:

artificial intelligence, libraries, digital libraries, library development


Background of the study: Artificial intelligence is a solution to facilitate technical work. There are many organizations that have used AI to carry out their duties, one of which is libraries.
: This research discusses the application of AI as a form of library development. This was analysis because there was an opinion that the application of artificial intelligence technology was a form of library development because it was able to adapt to technology and provide more optimal services as a result of this application.
: This analysis was carried out using the literature study method. A literature study was carried out to analysis trends developing in the library world in depth from various literature sources in order to provide recommendations for further development.
: Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it is known that AI can help librarians in carrying out technical work such as making plans, automatic information services, and managing record-keeping information. Librarians as human resources who will apply AI at work need to adapt to technological developments so they can apply AI effectively and efficiently and self-actualize to be able to compete with AI.
: AI as a technological development certainly has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages gained from using AI are the ability to understand natural language, scalability and flexibility, generative capabilities, wide use, ability to learn from data, integration with existing applications and platforms, open access. while the weaknesses of ChatGPT are the Opportunity for Error, Inability to Understand Context in Depth, Limited Level of Knowledge, Susceptibility to Bias:, Limitations in Recognizing Specific Contexts, Dependence on Large Training Data. Even though ChatGPT still has weaknesses, it can still be updated over time. With this analysis, it is hoped that it can provide an overview of developments that need to be carried out in the future in order to produce even better performance.



Cara Mengutip

Husni, L., & Armizawati , A. . (2024). Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Libraries as a Form of Library Development. Proceeding Annual International Conference of Imam Bonjol Library, 79–85. Diambil dari https://proceeding-perpus.uinib.ac.id/index.php/AICIBLib/article/view/2