User Satisfaction With Mobile Library Services in Padang City: The Influence of Librarian Interpersonal Communication


  • Tashia Ramadhona UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
  • Resty Jayanti Fakhlina UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, Indonesia
  • Shinta Nofita Sari UIN Imam Bonjol Padang


Background of the study: This interpersonal communication can form relationships with other people through interactions, conversations or examinations and interviews.

Purpose: The research aims first, to analyze and evaluate communication carried out by librarians with school children. Second, to identify challenges or problems that occur in librarian communication with school children. The method used in this is descriptive quantitative research.

Method: This method is used to create a systematic, factual and accurate picture or description of existing phenomena.

Findings: The majority (92.92%) of the 99 respondents either strongly agreed or agreed, while a minority (6.6%) expressed uncertainty, and a negligible percentage (1.01%) disagreed or strongly disagreed.

Conclusion: Primary school students often inquire about storybooks to the library staff. Additionally, 61.62% of the respondents agreed, 19.19% expressed agreement, 8.08% were uncertain, and 11.11% disagreed. Consequently, the conclusion is that primary school students often listen to stories told by others. Moreover, 53.54% agreed, 41.4% expressed agreement, and a small proportion (5.1%) remained uncertain.




How to Cite

Ramadhona, T. ., Fakhlina, R. J. ., & Nofita Sari, S. (2024). User Satisfaction With Mobile Library Services in Padang City: The Influence of Librarian Interpersonal Communication. Proceeding Annual International Conference of Imam Bonjol Library, 27–36. Retrieved from