The Role of Social Inclusion Programs at Batu City Public Library in Building Knowledge Sharing Activities


  • Adam Dwi Nur Fikry Murdoko Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Annisa Fajriyah UIN Malang


social inclusion, knowledge sharing


Background of the study: Batu City Public Library has adapted by organizing a social inclusion program in building an inclusive environment until in 2022, this library received an award as the best social inclusion-based library implementer at the national level from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. In its implementation, there are many knowledge sharing activities starting from planning process to evaluating social inclusion activities.
Objective: To provide a clear picture of all social inclusion activities that have been carried out at the Batu City Regional Public Library. This then becomes the main source for analyzing and exploring the knowledge sharing process activities that occur.
Method: Using a qualitative approach, this research conducted observations and interviews with all parties involved in the process of organizing social inclusion, starting from leaders, librarians, to community representatives as participants in social inclusion activities.
Findings: The research results show a number of internal and external knowledge sharing activities that occur when viewed from the process of organizing social inclusion activities there. Apart from that, the analysis of who is involved in each knowledge sharing activity and also the knowledge products produced, is also discussed in this research.
Conclusion: Knowledge sharing process in this library, is an information sharing activity in the internal and external environment that is produced by a process of organizing social inclusion activities. The occurrence of this activity cannot be separated from the role of the leadership and also the work culture of this institution which is open and always holds regular discussions during every activity carried out in the institution. 




How to Cite

Adam Dwi Nur Fikry Murdoko, & Annisa Fajriyah. (2024). The Role of Social Inclusion Programs at Batu City Public Library in Building Knowledge Sharing Activities . Proceeding Annual International Conference of Imam Bonjol Library, 136–145. Retrieved from