Library Management Based on the Library Administration Automation System (SOAP) in Higher Education Libraries


  • Kurnia Safitri IAIN Langsa
  • Nurmawati Nurmawati IAIN Langsa


Manajemen Perpustakaan, Sistem Otomasi, Administrasi Perpustakaan


Background of the study: Administrative services in university libraries are not yet able to provide automation-based administrative services. There are still many university libraries that carry out administrative services manually, such as the service of making library free letters, so this makes it difficult and slows down service performance. This will have an impact on user satisfaction. The underlying importance of updating the university library management system with the adoption of the Library Administration Automation System (SOAP)
Purpose: This research aims to examine the Library Administration Automation System (SOAP) in the context of higher education library management. Through descriptive qualitative analysis, this research explores how university libraries design the SOAP concept, the challenges that will be faced in the implementation process, and the expected benefits of the SOAP concept in library management.
Method: The research methodology uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques through literature study.
Findings: The research findings highlight the importance of SOAP in improving operational efficiency, increasing collection accessibility, and improving user experience. However, the research also identified several challenges in implementing SOAP concepts such as limited resources and the need for staff training.
Conclusion: This research provides valuable insights for college libraries planning to adopt or increase the use of SOAP in their library management.




How to Cite

Safitri, K., & Nurmawati , N. . (2024). Library Management Based on the Library Administration Automation System (SOAP) in Higher Education Libraries. Proceeding Annual International Conference of Imam Bonjol Library, 63–68. Retrieved from